Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation
Course Code BEE306B
CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L: T:P: S) 3:0:0:0
SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40
Total Marks 100
Credits 03
Exam Hours 03
Examination nature (SEE) Theory
Measurements and Measurement systems: Introduction, significance and methods of Measurements,
Instruments and measurement systems, Mechanical, electrical and electronic instruments. Classification
of instruments. Functions and applications of Measurement systems. Types of Instrumentation systems,
information and signal processing. Elements of generalised measurement system. Input-output
configurations of measuring instruments and measurement systems. Methods of correction for
interfering and modifying inputs, errors in measurements, Accuracy and precision.
Measurement of Resistance: Wheatstone’s bridge, sensitivity, limitations. Kelvin’s double bridge.
Earth resistance measurement by fall of potential method and by using Megger.
Measurement of Inductance and Capacitance: Sources and detectors, Maxwell’s inductance and
capacitance bridge, Hay’s bridge, Anderson’s bridge, Desauty’s bridge, Schering bridge. Shielding of
bridges. (Derivations and Numerical as applicable).
Instrument Transformers: Introduction, Use of Instrument transformers. Burden on Instrument
Current transformer (CT): Relationships in CT, Errors in CT, characteristics of CT, causes and
reduction of errors in CT, Construction and theory of CT.
Potential transformer (PT): Difference between CT and PT, Relationships in PT, Errors in PT,
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characteristics of PT, reduction of errors in PT.
Magnetic measurements: Introduction, measurement of flux/ flux density, magnetising force and
leakage factor.
Electronic and Digital Instruments: Introduction. Essentials of electronic instruments, Advantages of
electronic instruments. True RMS reading voltmeter. Electronic multimeters. Digital voltmeters (DVM) -
Ramp type DVM, Integrating type DVM and Successive - approximation DVM. Q meter. Principle of
working of electronic energy meter (with block diagram), extra features offered by present day meters and
their significance in billing.
Display Devices: Introduction, character formats, segment displays, Dot matrix displays, Bar graph
displays. Cathode ray tubes, Light emitting diodes, Liquid crystal displays, Nixes, Incandescent,
Fluorescent, Liquid vapour and Visual displays.
Recording Devices: Introduction, Strip chart recorders, Galvanometer recorders, Null balance recorders,
Potentiometer type recorders, Bridge type recorders, LVDT type recorders, Circular chart and
xy recorders. Digital tape recording, Ultraviolet recorders. Electro Cardio Graph (ECG).
Suggested Learning Resources: Text Books
1. Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation, A.K. Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai & Co,
10th Edition
2. A Course in Electronics and Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation, J. B. Gupta, Katson
Books, 2013
Reference Books
1. Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation, R.K. Rajput, S Chand, 5th Edition,
2. Electrical Measuring Instruments and Measurements, S.C. Bhargava, BS Publications, 2013
3. Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measuring Techniques, Cooper D and A.D. Heifrick,
Pearson, First Edition, 2015
4. Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements, David A Bell, Oxford University, 3rd Edition,
5. Electronic Instrumentation, H.S.Kalsi, Mc Graw Hill, 3rd Edition,2010