Course Code BCV303
CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P: S) 3:0:2:0
SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Theory + 8-10 Lab slots
Total Marks 100
Credits 04
Exam Hours
Examination nature (SEE) Theory
Introduction, the scope of earth science in Engineering.
Earth’s internal structure and composition, internal dynamics and Plate tectonics, Earthquakes
- types, causes, so-seismic lines, seismic zonation, seismic proof structures. Volcanic eruption -
types, causes. Landslides-causes types, preventive measures; Tsunami – causes, consequences,
mitigation. Cyclones - causes and management.
Earth Materials in Construction
Minerals -Industrial, rock-forming and ore minerals. Physical properties, composition.
Rocks Types, structure/Texture, mineral composition occurrence, properties.
Decorative (facing/polishing), railway ballast, rocks for masonry work,
monumental/architecture, Dressing of stones, Requirement of good building stones.
Earth Surface process and Resources
Weathering, type, causes, soil insitu, drifted soil, soil profile, soil mineralogy, structure, types of
soil, Black cotton soil v/s Lateritic soil; effects of weathering on monumental rocks. Soil
Horizon, Soil Classification by Grain Size.
Surface and sub investigation for deep foundation
Dip and strike, and outcrop problems(numerical problem geometrical/ simple trigonometry
based), Borehole data(and problems), Faults, folds, unconformity, joints, types, recognition and
their significance in Civil engineering projects like tunnel project, dam project, Reservoir site,.
Modern Tools and geophysical methods
Rocks as aquifers, water-bearing properties igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks ,
coefficient of permeability, factors affecting permeability, Electrical Resistivity meter, depth of
water table, (numerical problems), seismic studies.
1 Identification of common minerals based on Physical Properties
2 Identification of rocks used in building construction based on Physical properties
3 Solving Geological maps for suitability for aqua duct
4 Geological maps with inclined beds, suitability for tunnels/ Dams
5 Geological maps with folds, in tunnels/ Dams
6 Geological maps with unconformity , in tunnel/dam project
7 Geological maps with faults in Dams/tunnels project
8 One Day Nearest Field Visit Investigation.
Suggested Learning Resources: Books
1. Engineering Geology, by Parthasarathy et al, Wiley publications
2. A textbook of Engineering Geology by ChennaKesavulu, Mac Millan India Ltd
3. Principle of Engineering Geology, by K.M. Bangar, Standard publishers
4. Physical and Engineering Geology, by S.K. Garg, Khanna publishers
5. Principles of Engineering Geology, by KVGK Gokhale, BS Publications
Reference Books
1. Introduction to Environmental Geology by Edward A Keller, Pearson publications.
2. Engineering Geology and Rock Mechanics B. P. Verma, Khanna publishers
3. Principles of Engineering Geology and Geotechnics, Krynine and Judd, CBS Publications