AEC (Analog Electronic Circuits) Lab
Course Code 21EC382
CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L: T:P: S) 0:0:2:0
SEE Marks 50
Credits 1
Exam Hours 2
Experiments using Pspice/MultiSIM software
1 Experiments to realize diode clipping (single, double ended) circuits.
2 Experiments to realize diode clamping (positive, negative) circuits.
3 Experiments to realize Full wave rectifier without filter (and set-up to measure the ripple factor, Vp-p, Vrms, etc.).
4 Design and conduct an experiment on Series Voltage Regulator using Zener diode to determine line/load regulation characteristics.
5 Realize BJT Darlington Emitter follower without bootstrapping and determine the gain, input and output impedances (other configurations of emitter follower can also be considered).
6 Set-up and study the working of complementary symmetry class B push pull power amplifier (other power amplifiers can also be suitably considered) and calculate the efficiency.
7 Design and set-up the oscillator circuits (Hartley, Colpitts, etc. using BJT/FET) and determine the frequency of oscillation.
8 Design and set-up the crystal oscillator and determine the frequency of oscillation.
9 Experiment to realize Input and Output characteristics of BJT Common emitter configuration and evaluation of parameters.
10 Experiments to realize Transfer and drain characteristics of a MOSFET.
11 Experiments to realize UJT triggering circuit for Controlled Full wave Rectifier.
12 Design and simulation of Regulated power supply.
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. David A Bell, “Fundamentals of Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab Manual, 5th Edition, 2009, Oxford University Press.
2. Muhammed H Rashid, “Introduction to PSpice using OrCAD for circuits and electronics”, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003.