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Applied Physics for CSE Stream (BPHYS102/202)

Applied Physics for CSE Stream

Course Code: BPHYS102/202
CIE Marks:50
Course Type(Theory/Practical/Integrated ) 
Integrated SEE Marks:50
Total Marks:100
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P: S) 2:2:2:0 
Exam Hours:03
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Theory + 10-12 Lab slots


Laser and Optical Fibers: LASER: Characteristic properties of a LASER beam, Interaction of Radiation with Matter, Einstein’s A and B Coefficients and Expression for Energy Density (Derivation), Laser Action, Population Inversion, Metastable State, Requisites of a laser system, Semiconductor Diode Laser, Applications: Bar code scanner, Laser Printer, Laser Cooling(Qualitative), Numerical Problems.

Optical Fiber: Principle and Structure, Propagation of Light, Acceptance angle and Numerical Aperture (NA),Derivation of Expression for NA, Modes of Propagation, RI Profile, Classification of Optical Fibers, Attenuation and Fiber Losses, Applications: Fiber Optic networking, Fiber Optic Communication. Numerical Problems

Pre requisite:Properties of light

Self-learning: Total Internal Reflection

Click here to download Module-1(Full Notes)


Quantum Mechanics:de Broglie Hypothesis and Matter Waves, de Broglie wavelength and derivation of expression by analogy, Phase Velocity and Group Velocity, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and its application (Non existence of electron inside the nucleus - Non Relativistic), Principle of Complementarity, Wave Function, Time independent Schrödinger wave equation (Derivation), Physical Significance of a wave function and Born Interpretation, Expectation value, Eigen functions and Eigen Values, Particle inside one dimensional infinite potential well, Quantization of Energy States,Waveforms and Probabilities. Numerical Problems.

Pre requisite:Wave–Particle dualism

Self-learning: de Broglie Hypothesis

Click here to download Module-2


Quantum Computing:Principles of Quantum Information & Quantum Computing:Introduction to Quantum Computing, Moore’s law & its end, Differences between Classical & Quantum computing.Concept of qubit and its properties. Representation of qubit by Bloch sphere. Single and Two qubits. Extension to N qubits.

Dirac representation and matrix operations:Matrix representation of 0 and 1 States, Identity Operator I, Applying I to|0⟩and |1⟩ states, Pauli Matrices and its operations on |0⟩and |1⟩states, Explanation of i) Conjugate of a matrix and ii) Transpose of a matrix. Unitary matrix U, Examples: Row and Column Matrices and their multiplication (Inner Product), Probability, and Quantum Superposition, normalization rule. Orthogonality, Orthonormality. Numerical Problems

Quantum Gates:Single Qubit Gates: Quantum Not Gate, Pauli – X, Y and Z Gates, Hadamard Gate, Phase Gate (or S Gate), T Gate Multiple Qubit Gates:Controlled gate, CNOT Gate, (Discussion for 4 different input states). Representation of Swap gate, Controlled -Z gate, Toffoli gate.

Pre requisites: Matrices

Self-learning: Moore’s law

Click here to download Module-3


Electrical Properties of Materials and Applications:Electrical Conductivity in metals: Resistivity and Mobility, Concept of Phonon, Matheissen’s rule, Failures of Classical Free Electron Theory,Assumptions of Quantum Free Electron Theory, Fermi Energy, Density of States, Fermi Factor, Variation of Fermi Factor With Temperature and Energy. Numerical Problems.

Superconductivity:Introduction to Super Conductors, Temperature dependence of resistivity, Meissner’s Effect, Critical Field,Temperature dependence of Critical field, Types of Super Conductors, BCS theory (Qualitative), Quantum Tunnelling, High Temperature superconductivity, Josephson Junctions (Qualitative), DC and RF SQUIDs (Qualitative), Applications in Quantum Computing: Charge, Phase and Flux qubits, Numerical Problems.

Pre requisites:Basics of Electrical conductivity

Self-learning: Resistivity and Mobility

Click here to download Module-4


Applications of Physics in computing:Physics of Animation:Taxonomy of physics based animation methods, Frames, Frames per Second, Size and Scale, Weight and Strength,Motion and Timing in Animations, Constant Force and Acceleration, The Odd rule, Odd-rule Scenarios, Motion Graphs, Examples of Character Animation: Jumping, Parts of Jump, Jump Magnification, Stop Time, Walking: Strides and Steps, Walk Timing. Numerical Problems Statistical Physics for Computing: Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, Poisson distribution and modeling the probability of proton decay, Normal Distributions (Bell Curves), Monte Carlo Method: Determination of Value of π. Numerical Problems.

Pre requisites: Motion in one dimension, Probability

Self-learning: Frames, Frames per Second

Click here to download Module-5

Suggested Learning Resources:

Books (Title of the Book/Name of the author/Name of the publisher/Edition and Year)

1. Solid State Physics, S O Pillai, New Age International Private Limited, 8th Edition, 2018.

2. Engineering Physics by Gupta and Gour, Dhanpat Rai Publications, 2016 (Reprint).

3. A Textbook of Engineering Physics- M.N. Avadhanulu and P.G. Kshirsagar, 10th revised Ed, S. Chand. & Company Ltd, New Delhi.

4. Concepts of Modern Physics, Aurthur Beiser, McGrawhill, 6th Edition, 2009.

5. Lasers and Non Linear Optics, B B Loud, New age international, 2011 edition.

6. A Textbook of Engineering Physics by M.N. Avadhanulu, P G. Kshirsagar and T V S Arun Murthy, Eleventh edition, S Chand and Company Ltd. New Delhi-110055.

7. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Michael A. Nielsen & Isaac L. Chuang, Cambridge Universities Press, 2010 Edition.

8. Quantum Computing, Vishal Sahani, McGraw Hill Education, 2007 Edition.

9. Quantum Computing – A Beginner’s Introduction, Parag K Lala, Indian Edition, Mc GrawHill, Reprint 2020.

10. Engineering Physics, S P Basavaraj, 2005 Edition, Subhash Stores.

11. Physics for Animators, Michele Bousquet with Alejandro Garcia, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, 2016.

12. Quantum Computation and Logic: How Quantum Computers Have Inspired Logical Investigations,Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Roberto Giuntini, Roberto Leporini, Giuseppe Sergioli,TrendsinLogic, Volume 48, Springer.

13. Statistical Physics: Berkely Physics Course, Volume 5, F. Reif, McGraw Hill.

14. Introduction to Superconductivity, Michael Tinkham, McGraw Hill, INC, II Edition

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):

LASER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgzynezPiyc

Superconductivity : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MT5Xl5ppn48

Optical Fiber : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_kA8EpCUQo

Quantum Mechanics : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7bzE1E5PMY&t=136s

Quantum Computing : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHoEjvuPoB8

Quantum Computing :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuvCUU2jD30

Physics of Animation : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kj1kaA_8Fu4

Statistical Physics Simulation : https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/plinko-probability/latest/plinkoprobability_en.html

NPTEL Supercoductivity:https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/115/103/115103108/

NPTEL Quantum Computing : https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/115/101/115101092

Virtual LAB :https://www.vlab.co.in/participating-institute-amrita-vishwa-vidyapeetham

Virtual LAB : https://vlab.amrita.edu/index.php?sub=1&brch=189&sim=343&cnt=1

Activity Based Learning (Suggested Activities in Class)/ Practical Based learning






Laboratory Component: Any Ten Experiments have to be completed from the list of experiments

Note: The experiments have to be classified into

a) Exercise

b) Demonstration

c) Structured Inquiry

d) Open Ended

Based on the convenience classify the following experiments into above categories. Select at least one simulation/spreadsheet activity.

List of Experiments

1. Determination of wavelength of LASER using Diffraction Grating.

2. Determination of acceptance angle and numerical aperture of the given Optical Fiber.

3. Determination of Magnetic Flux Density at any point along the axis of a circular coil.

4. Determination of resistivity of a semiconductor by Four Probe Method

5. Study the I-V Characteristics of the Given Bipolar Junction Transistor.

6. Determination of dielectric constant of the material of capacitor by Charging and Discharging method.

7. Study the Characteristics of a Photo-Diode and to determine the power responsivity / Verification of Inverse Square Law of Intensity of Light.

8. Study the frequency response of Series & Parallel LCR circuits.

9. Determination of Planck’s Constant using LEDs.

10. Determination of Fermi Energy of Copper.

11. Identification of circuit elements in a Black Box and determination of values of the components.

12. Determination of Energy gap of the given Semiconductor.

13. Step Interactive Physical Simulations.

14. Study of motion using spread Sheets

15. Study of Application of Statistics using spread sheets

16. PHET Interactive

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