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Course Code BEE 306A 
CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P: S) 3:0:0:0 
SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Theory 
Total Marks 100
Credits 04 
Exam Hours 03
Examination nature (SEE) Theory


Principles of Combinational Logic: Definition of combinational logic, canonical forms, Generation of switching equations from truth tables, Karnaugh maps-3,4,5 variables, Incompletely specified functions (Don‘t care terms) Simplifying Max term equations, Quine-McCluskey minimization technique, QuineMcCluskey using don‘t care terms, Reduced prime implicants Tables. 


Analysis and Design of Combinational logic: General approach to combinational logic design, Decoders, BCD decoders, Encoders, digital multiplexers, Using multiplexers as Boolean function generators, Adders and subtractors, Cascading full adders, Look ahead carry, Binary comparators. 


Flip-Flops: Basic Bistable elements, Latches, Timing considerations, The master-slave flip-flops (pulse triggered flip-flops): SR flip-flops, JK flip-flops, Edge triggered flip- flops, Characteristic equations. 


Flip-Flops Applications: Registers, binary ripple counters, synchronous binary counters, Counters based on shift registers, Design of a synchronous counter, Design of a synchronous mod-n counter using clocked T, JK, D and SR flip-flops. 


Sequential Circuit Design: Mealy and Moore models, State machine notation, Synchronous Sequential circuit analysis, Construction of state diagrams, counter design. Memories: Read only and Read/Write Memories, Programmable ROM, EPROM, Flash memory. 

Suggested Learning Resources: Books 

1) John M Yarbrough , Digital logic applications and design, Thomson Learning, 2001. 
2)Donald D Givone, Digital Principles and design, MC Graw Hill 2002 
3)Charles H Roth Jr, Larry L Kinney, Fundamentals of logic design , Cengage Learning, 7th Edition 

Reference books: 

1)D.P.Kothari and J S Dhillon, -Digital circuits and design, Pearson, 2016 
2)Morris Mano, Digital Design, PHI, 3rd edition 
3)K.A. Navas, Electronics Lab Manual, Vol.1, PHI 5th edition, 2015.

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