Course Code BCV304
CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L: T:P: S) 3+0+0+0
SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40
Total Marks 100
Credits 03
Exam Hours
Examination type (SEE) Theory
Introduction: Water: Need for protected water supply, Demand of Water: Types of water
demands - domestic demand, industrial, institutional and commercial demand, public use and
fire demand estimation, factors affecting per capita demand, Variations in demand of water,
Peak factor.
Design period and factors governing design period. Methods of population forecasting and
numerical problems. Physico chemical characteristics of water Sampling. L1, L2, L3
Water Treatment: Objectives, Unit flow diagrams – Significance of each unit, Aeration
process Limitations and types.
Sedimentation - Theory, settling tanks, types and design with numerical, Coagulation and
flocculation, types of coagulants.
Filtration: Mechanism, theory of filtration, types of filters: slow sand, rapid sand and pressure
filters. Operation and cleaning. Design of slow and rapid sand filter without under drainage
system, Numerical. L1, L2,
Disinfection: Methods of disinfection with merits and demerits. Breakpoint chlorination,
Softening: Lime soda and Zeolite process.
Wastewater: Introduction: Need for sanitation, methods of sewage disposal, types of sewerage
systems, Treatment of municipal waste water: Waste water characteristics sampling,
significance and techniques, physical, chemical and biological characteristics, Numerical on
L1 , L2
Treatment Process: flow diagram for municipal waste water Treatment unit operations and
process Screens: types, disposal. Grit chamber, oil and grease removal. Primary and secondary
settling tanks, Suspended growth system - conventional activated sludge process and its
modifications, numerical.
L1,L2 ,L3
Attached growth system – Trickling filter, numerical on Trickling filters, bio-towers and
rotating biological contactors. Principle of stabilization ponds, oxidation ditch. Sludge digesters
(aerobic and anaerobic), Equalization. Thickeners and drying beds.
Suggested Learning Resources: Text books
Howard S. Peavy, Donald R. Rowe, George T, “Environmental Engineering” - Tata McGraw
Hill, New York, Indian Edition, 2013
S. K. Garg, Environmental Engineering Volume-I, Water supply Engineering – M/s Khanna
Publishers, New Delhi2010
B.C. Punmia and Ashok Jain, Environmental Engineering I-Water Supply Engineering,
Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi2010.
B C Punmia, “Environmental Engineering volume-II”, Laxmi Publications 2nd, 2016
Karia G.L., and Christian R.A, “Wastewater Treatment Concepts and Design Approach”
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 3rd, Edition, 2017
S.K.Garg, “Environmental Engineering vol-II, Water supply Engineering”, Khanna
Publishers, – New Delhi, 28th edition and 2017
CPHEEO Manual on water supply and treatment engineering, Ministry of Urban
Development, Government of India, New Delhi.
Mark.J Hammer, Water & Waste Water Technology, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New