Engineering Survey
Course Code BCV302
CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P: S) 3:0:2:0
SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Theory + 8-10
Total Marks 100
Credits 04
Exam Hours 3
Examination nature (SEE) Theory
Engineering surveying – Definition & importance of surveying for Civil Engineers. Surveying
types- Control survey, Topographical surveying, Construction Survey, Cadastral survey,
Hydrographic survey and Underground Survey. Surveying through the ages- Chain surveying,
Compass surveying and Plane Table Surveying (concepts and limitations only).
Measurement of Distance- Various types of tapes, Laser distance meter, Distance measuring wheel,
Electronic Distance measurement, GPS. L1,L2,L3
22.07.2023 22.07.2023
Vertical Control- Concepts of various types of Datum – Mean Sea level, Bench marks –
Temporary and Permanent.
Levelling- Terms used in levelling, Setting up of Dumpy level. Differential levelling by plane of
collimation method using Dumpy level.
Theodolite Surveying – Terms used in Theodolite surveying. Setting up a Theodolite. Measurement
of horizontal and vertical angles with Theodolite.
Total Station Surveying – Features, parts, accessories and advantages of Total Station. Surveying
with total station – Measurement of Horizontal angle, vertical angle, distance, slope, vertical
distance, multiple angles with Total station. Using Total station for Area measurement and Volume
calculation. L1,L2,L3
Contours - Definition, terms used, characteristics of contours and applications of contours in civil
engineering practice. Contouring using level, theodolite and total station. Plotting of contours in CAD.
Longitudinal and cross sectioning – Definition, importance of L/S & C/S. L/S & C/S using level,
theodolite and Total station. Plotting of L/S & C/S in CAD.
Coordinate survey with Total station - Measurement of coordinates using total station. Creating
Job files, importance of back sight data, coordinate data recording. Data transferring, data refinement
and plotting in CAD. L1,L2,L3
Curves –Types of Curves- Application of curves in civil engineering. Setting out of Horizontal
curve by Theodolite (Rankine’s method) and using Total Station. Components of Compound,
Reverse curve. Transition Curve and Combined curve. Various types of vertical curves and its
Areas and Volumes- Methods of determining areas by trapezoidal and Simpsons’ rule.
Measurement of volume by prismoidal and trapezoidal formula. Earthwork volume calculations
from spot levels and from contour maps; Earthwork calculation in Embankments.
Construction Surveying - Setting out works using Total Station, Setting out buildings by Centre
line method. L1, L2, L3, L4
GPS Surveying – Introduction. Overview of GPS system- space, control and user segments.
Reference co- ordinate systems. Absolute and Differential positioning with GPS. Gagan system in
India. Types of GPS Receivers. Engineering survey using Differential GPS.
Surveying with Drone – Introduction, applications and advantages. Features of photogrammetric
mapping method. Drone surveying requirements- Drone platform, Flight planning software, Sensor
DGPS equipment and Image processing software. Types of drones and sensors. Process of drone
surveying – flight planning, DGPS markers, capturing images, post processing of images using
photogrammetry software and output maps.
Application and uses of Remote sensing and GIS in engineering surveying. L1, L2, L3, L4
1 Use of Various types of tapes, Laser distance meter, Distance measuring wheel.
2 Differential levelling by Dumpy level by plane of collimation method
3 Measurement of horizontal and vertical angles by Theodolite. Method of repetition
4 Setting out simple curve using Rankine’s method using Theodolite
5 Setting out central line of a small residential building.
6 Setting up of Total station. Features and components of Total station
7 Measurement of Distance, slope, vertical distance, horizontal and vertical angles using Total
8 Coordinate measurement with Total station
9 Longitudinal sectioning and cross sectioning using Total station
10 Contouring and plotting with Total station
11 Demonstration of Equipment’s used for chain, compass and plane table surveying
Visit to railway station/ large construction site to understand the importance of datum and
Suggested Learning Resources: Books
1. Punmia BC, & Jain Ashok Kumar. (2016). Surveying (17th ed., Vol. 1). Laxmi Publications.
2. Dr. K.R. Arora. (2019). Surveying (17th ed., Vol. 1). Standard Book House.
3. Charles D. Ghilani. (2012) (13
ed.). Prentice Hall